That age old question keeps popping up,"What are the best belly fat exercises to lose all that belly flab and achieve poster perfect 6 pack abs?"
The answer is simple, There is none! Belly fat exercises or ab workouts alone are not enough to create the metabolism response your body needs to lose belly fat.
Many trainers often get asked what type of exercise and ab workouts work the best for losing stubborn belly fat and bringing out those 6 pack abs. The problem is that many people with excess belly fat are looking for some 'miracle cure' or 'amazing belly fat exercise' that is going to slash off all that fat in no time.
The truth is that you don't lose belly fat by doing belly fat exercises alone. The problem with trying to focus on ab workouts and abdominal exercises to flatten your stomache is that you are actually wasting precious time that could be used in following the correct program that can help you lose that belly fat for GOOD!
Some of the best belly fat exercises are undoubtedly the following:
. . . .various forms of squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc. However... by combining full body exercises into a strategic workout you can maximize your metabolism which is very important if you want to keep the belly fat OFF.
Bear in mind that one of the most important factors in losing belly fat is actually in the nutrition area as well. No matter how much you sweat out your daily belly fat exercises, if your diet is full of junk food then that ugly fat will simply reappear when you slow down on exercising.
Nutrition is without a shadow of a doubt the king of belly fat exercises!
So, instead of focusing on all the situps, ab crunches, leg raises and all those belly exercises, try focusing on high intensity full body lifts using multi joint exercises into highly effective belly fat workouts.
Combine that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and that sexy body and slim belly will be yours in no time.
Learn more secret strategies on losing stubborn belly fat with these belly fat exercises.
Never slow down, is the key!