Sunday, August 16, 2009

HERE is my BIGGEST tip on belly flab exercises....

Make a conscious effort or habit to TUCK YOUR BELLY IN.

Go ahead - try it right now.
Breathe IN and suck your belly in...

I bet you anything - as you tucked in your belly, your shoulders automatically went back and your back straightened.

I met a 60 some year old sweetheart of a gal with a waist more trim than a 16 year old and when we asked what her secret was, she replied:

" I have made a habit of sucking in my belly. Over the years I have developed strong belly muscles from doing so and and have never had to deal with a flabby belly because of it. Make a habit of pulling in those belly muscles and you will have a flat stomach in no time."

So it is a VERY simple and inexpensive way to get rid of belly flab! Make a habit of doing that as much as you can.

  • When you are walking

  • Exercising

  • Sitting at your desk

  • Washing dishes

  • Taking care of the kids

You get the idea!

You can do this simple flabby stomach exercise ANYTIME! Anywhere! =)