Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Shifting Calories Theory...

FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills, because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT.

We don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth.

We get fat because we don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day.

Also, the pattern that we choose to eat our meals each day is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills. This is true because our body is like an "engine" and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day, and if we don't eat the right foods at the right times then it won't burn those calories -- and we'll wind up storing those calories as fat tissue. (Hint: We need to eat more than 3 times per day to lose weight, which we'll show you in The Shifting Calories Diet ).

We have gotten overweight by eating the wrong foods, that much is a fact. And guess what?

We can get SLIM by eating the RIGHT FOODS at the RIGHT INTERVALS each day. It's not really any more complicated than that, and the way to start losing weight has nothing to do with starving yourself or jogging.

The reason we cannot lose weight by starving ourselves (using a low calorie diet) is because our metabolism will detect any major drop in calories and it will then ADJUST ITSELF by burning fewer calories each day.

For example:

If we begin eating 2,500 calories per day then our metabolism will adjust itself so that it begins burning 2,500 calories per day. If we try to starve ourself by suddenly eating 1,000 calories per day then our metabolism will again ADJUST ITSELF so that our body begins to burn only 1,000 calories per day. That's why we have failed in our past dieting attempts, that's why we always seem to fail when we try and starve ourself.

Now you know the reason why you can eat 1,000 calories per day and not lose any weight while your friends can eat 2,500 calories per day and not gain any weight. Also, virtually every person in today's society is buying mostly "low fat" or "non fat" food at the grocery store, everybody is conscious of the "fat grams" inside the food they buy.

However, people are getting fatter than ever by doing this and are not losing weight by switching to the "low fat lifestyle".Low carb diets have certainly become popular in recent years, but such diets often leave you feeling miserable each day (since they drain most of your energy and can leave you feeling quite awful each day).

Check out this fact below...

Did you know that several popular low carb diets are so strict that you cannot even eat a large apple during the first couple weeks? It's true. Also, many low carb diets won't even let you enjoy a 'normal' restaurant meal (ordered without any carb restrictions) for many months after you begin.

Therefore, low carb diets can leave you feeling MISERABLE each day, which is not the answer.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

How Long Does It Take to Get Abs?

Learn How...

a 19-Year Old College Student......
Used This Technique to Uncover Those Stubborn Bottom Abs and Finally Got a Six Pack

a 37-Year Old Flabby Business Man Lost 21 Pounds of Ugly Belly Fat in 7 Weeks.....

and a ....
62-Year Old Out-of-Shape Grandpa Lost 4 Inches Off His Waist in 3 Months .... While Also Increasing His Full Body Strength

You Too Can Discover a Unique Method to FINALLY Hack Off Your Ugly Belly Fatand Carve Out Ripped 6-Pack Abs

...and if you actually apply these unique dietary strategies and secret training techniques, you will no longer be self-conscious about taking off your shirt at the beach and no longer force yourself to wear baggy shirts to help hide your gut...

Not only that...

Once you start using these little-known workout tricks and nutrition tactics, you may also start to notice that women are finally starting to compliment you and sneak peeks at your new chiseled body & rock-hard etched-out abs that have started emerging from beneath what used to be PURE LARD!

I know what you're thinking... You think that you've tried every "underground" abdominal exercise, every fad diet, every "extreme fat-loss" pill and magic supplement powder you've seen on the flashy magazine pages, all of the boring cardio routines... and yet, despite all of your efforts, you STILL have soft flabby abs with extra belly fat hanging out there covering up that six-pack that you desperately want. I feel your pain!

Feel free to leave this site... But realize that you'll only continue to be frustrated with your flabby stomach for the rest of your life. You'll only have yourself to blame.

On the other hand, if you want to discover the true secrets for hard ripped abs, then you have landed on the right website. Keep reading and you'll soon discover what you've been doing wrong all these years... and the unique tricks that the 3 guys mentioned above learned that made all the difference!

If you're still with me, I want you to realize something today that you're probably starting to think will never happen in your lifetime...

You... yes YOU, can easily discover a fool-proof system that will show you exactly how to stop the frustration, and FINALLY ignite your metabolism and fire up your own body's fat-burning hormones to strip off that ugly belly fat and get those flat rippling abs that will have all of the ladies checking you out!

The good news is that you will discover this abdominal fat loss success system right here on this webpage today. Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) will be able to guide you to exactly the information you are looking for regardless of your age or size!

Visit Mikes Site today - oh and make sure you grab a copy of his free report while the offer lasts...

How is This Program any Different From All of the Other Hyped-Up Abdominal Programs Out There Today?

I know what you're thinking... "Gimme a break, I've tried it all before and seen it all before. How can your abs program be any different or better than all of the other programs out there that promise me the world?"

Well, Mike cuts out all of the BS, and goes straight to the main points that make this program one of the most effective programs in existance for fully developing your abdominals as well as getting rid of those layers of stubborn stomach fat that is covering them up.

Pay attention, because once you get this stuff right and start using these techniques regularly, you'll be showing off your ripped abs in no time flat, whether it's at the beach, at the pool, in the bedroom, wherever... Just think how great it's going to feel when women are finally complimenting you on your washboard stomach and sneaking glances at you when you're not looking!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lose Belly Fat Quickly With NEW Formula

What if we could show you a system of eating which was so different from anything else you've ever seen, that you'll notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today? (talk about a way to lose belly fat quickly!)

Forget about your past dieting failures for a moment.

Just focus on one thought right now..........WHAT IF it was really possible to change your body in 11 days?

Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body over the NEXT 11 DAYS, and it has NOTHING to do with positive thinking.......because positive thinking all by itself won't remove a single pound from your body.

That's right...........if you want to lose belly fat quickly and get NOTICEABLY THINNER IN THE MIRROR then you need MUCH MORE than just "positive thinking".

Okay.........get ready to be shown an Eating System which is so unique that you're going to be anxious to begin immediately.

Visit the "Lose Belly Fat Quickly" site for great information and free resources!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Want Six Pack Abs - But Do I Have to DIET ???

The Top 10 Healthiest Superfoods You NEED to Know About for Great Health

These are definitely some of the best foods you can eat for your health... (you can read many more articles about the right nutrition combined with the right exercises to lose belly fat and get six packs

Full of antioxidants, chock full of vitamins, minerals and good fats; they help to fix the damage we do every day with diets, environmental stressors, chemical additives and physical stress. If you can include a few servings of these foods in your weekly diet, you will be adding a lot to your good health, and preventing many diseases that could be coming your way otherwise.

  • Goji Berry

Goji or wolfberries have long played important roles in Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other things. They can be eaten raw, consumed as juice or wine, brewed into an herbal tea, or prepared as a tincture.

  • Acai Berry

The fruit is a small, round, black-purple fruit about 1 inch in diameter, similar in appearance and size to a grape, and the newest wonder food.
Acai is particularly rich in fatty acids, feeling oily to the touch. It contains high levels of the monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid. It is also rich in palmitic acid, and the polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid. β-sitosterol (beta-sitosterol), a phytosterol that competes with dietary cholesterol for absorption and so may reduce blood cholesterol levels, is also unusually rich.

Please note: Beware that recently, unscrupulous marketers are currently trying to deceive you into thinking that acai pills are some sort of "miracle weight loss cure"... They are even making up fake blogs about people supposedly losing ridiculous amounts of weight simply by popping an acai pill daily (and then they try to sell you these supplements)... These are FAKE stories, and you should realize that although acai is a very healthy antioxidant food, it is NOT a miracle weight loss cure!

  • Grass-Fed Meats and Wild-Caught Salmon

( Grass-fed beef and wild caught salmon have more beta-carotene, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids than beef produced using conventional cattle-feeding strategies.)

  • Almonds, Walnuts and Other Nuts

A high-fat food that's good for your health? You betcha!
Almonds and walnuts sit at the top of the heap for nutrition, but other nuts are healthy, too, including pistachios, pecans, and cashews. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fats, the same type of health-promoting fats as are found in olive oil, which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Five large human epidemiological studies, including the Nurses Health Study, the Iowa Health Study, the Adventist Health Study, and the Physicians Health Study, all found that nut consumption is linked to a lower risk for heart disease.

  • Avocados

Avocados are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.
One cup of avocado has 23% of the Daily Value for folate, a nutrient important for heart health. One study showed that individuals who consume folate-rich diets have a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who do not consume as much of this vital nutrient.

  • Garlic, Onions, Leeks and Shallots

In a study of centenarians (people living over 100 years of age), it was found that high garlic and onion consumption was one of the factors that surveys revealed may have partial involvement in their longevity. Garlic and onions are a couple of the best sources of uniquely powerful antioxidants.

Garlic health benefits and medicinal properties have long been known. Garlic has long been considered a herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold and flu to the plague! It has been used extensively in herbal medicine. Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of acne, and the common cold, and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. It can even be effective as a natural mosquito repellent.

A stronger tasting clove of garlic has more sulphur content and hence more medicinal value. Some people prefer to take garlic supplements. These pills and capsules have the advantage of avoiding garlic breath.

  • Tomatoes

In recent years a particular nutrient found in abundance in tomatoes, lycopene, has made many headlines for its disease fighting abilities. Lycopene is well known as a preventer of prostate cancer, which makes tomatoes high on the healthy food list for men.
Lycopene is not just important for men though. It is a powerful antioxidant and as such helps to protect the cells in our bodies from damage. Studies in humans have shown that lycopene is protective against a variety of cancers including prostate of course, but also colorectal, breast, lung, endometrial, pancreatic, bladder, cervical and skin cancers.

  • Sprouts

Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritionally beneficial of all foods. Their nutritional value was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago. Recently, in the USA, numerous scientific studies suggest the importance of sprouts in a healthy diet.

As an example, a sprouted Mung Bean has the carbohydrate content of a melon, vitamin A of a lemon, thiamin of an avocado, riboflavin of a dry apple, niacin of a banana, and ascorbic acid of a loganberry. Other studies have shown sprouts to be a powerful antioxidant and may assist in preventing some types of cancer.

Sprouts are the most reliable year-round source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and many B vitamins (such as folacin). Sprouting seeds, grains, and legumes greatly increases their content of those vitamins. For example, the vitamin A content (per calorie) of sprouted Mung beans is two-and-a-half times higher than the dry bean, and some beans have more than eight times more vitamin A after being sprouted.

  • Grass-Fed Raw Dairy Milk, Cheese, and Butter

Few people are aware that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows was actually used as a medicine in the early part of the last century. That's right. Milk straight from the udder, the "stem cell" of foods, was used as medicine to treat, and frequently cure some serious chronic diseases. From the time of Hippocrates to until just after World War II, this "white blood" nourished and healed uncounted millions.

Clean raw milk, cheeses, and butter from grass-fed cows are a complete and properly balanced food. You could live on it exclusively if you had to. Raw dairy contains a wealth of healthy substances including: amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats such as CLA.

  • Fermented Foods

( Fermented Foods include: Acidophilus milk, amasake, beer, bleu cheese, chocolate, cider, coffee, cultured vegetables, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, marinated artichokes, miso, olives, pickles, saurkraut, soy sauce, tea, tempeh, umeboshi plums, vinegar, yogurt.)

Be sure to try out some of the amazing organic grass-fed meats, cheeses, health bars, and other great products that they have to offer at US Wellness. It's like grocery shopping on your computer...the sealed cooler shows up at your doorstep within days! They are one of the best online healthy food shopping sources.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stomach Fat Exercises - Good Bye Tummy Fat!

Mike Geary is a well-known expert who deals exclusively with the most effective strategies for stomach fat exercises so that you can finally uncover those elusive six pack abs that everyone desires.

Some of Mike's strategies deal with nutrition aspects and others deal with training techniques, but I was impressed to see that Mike has put together one of the most comprehensive resources for dealing with all of the aspects necessary to finally get rid of that nasty belly fat for good.

The key is that Mike focuses on the REAL stomach fat exercises and techniques that are going to get you lasting results, and teaches you how to avoid all of these "quick-fix" scams and gimmicks that are all over the infomercials and the internet these days.

Several of the mistakes that Mike see's every day where people are going wrong in their fat loss attempts are:

1. Most people are wasting too much of their time doing hundreds of reps of ineffective crunches, situps, and other "abs pumping" exercises in their attempt at losing stomach fat. Mike has discovered that there are certain highly effective exercises that stimulate your metabolism much better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels much more. These exercises that Mike outlines are the best of the best for getting a lean, chiseled body.

Surprisingly to most, the majority of these most effective stomach fat exercises to reduce fat stomache are NOT "abs-specific" exercises. Not only that, but Mike shows you how to combine and sequence them to get the best metabolic and fat loss results possible, changing the shape of your entire body.

2. Most people are wasting way too much time doing hours upon hours of boring monotonous cardio routines.

Mike has researched this topic extensively, including an entire course he's taken comparing different modalities of cardiovascular exercise. After all of this research, we've come to the conclusion that the majority of people out there are not doing the right types of cardio exercise.

In fact, most people may actually be inadvertantly decreasing their metabolic rate by doing too much of the wrong types of cardio!

The strategies that Mike reveals in his "Stomach Fat Exercises" program go beyond "interval cardio" too.

3. Most people are failing miserably with fad diets.

Mike reveals exactly why most low-carb or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life! Mike shows you exactly how to stop falling for the gimmick diets and finally develop a truly healthy eating style that you can actually enjoy for life without being overly restrictive. It's actually easier and more enjoyable than you believe!

Go to Mike's Truth about Six Pack Abs site today and discover the exact system that Mike is using to help thousands of his clients from all over the world get leaner than they've ever been before. This system will help you to lose that stubborn stomach fat that has plagued you for years, so you can finally get that sexy six pack that you've always wanted.

Here's the site:

Don't forget to visit Mike's site today, as he's giving away some great free bonus reports and other tools that might not be available much longer.

Here's to being lean, strong, and healthy for life!

Belly Fat Exercises - Lose Belly Fat Forever!

That age old question keeps popping up,"What are the best belly fat exercises to lose all that belly flab and achieve poster perfect 6 pack abs?"

The answer is simple, There is none! Belly fat exercises or ab workouts alone are not enough to create the metabolism response your body needs to lose belly fat.

Many trainers often get asked what type of exercise and ab workouts work the best for losing stubborn belly fat and bringing out those 6 pack abs. The problem is that many people with excess belly fat are looking for some 'miracle cure' or 'amazing belly fat exercise' that is going to slash off all that fat in no time.

The truth is that you don't lose belly fat by doing belly fat exercises alone. The problem with trying to focus on ab workouts and abdominal exercises to flatten your stomache is that you are actually wasting precious time that could be used in following the correct program that can help you lose that belly fat for GOOD!

Some of the best belly fat exercises are undoubtedly the following:

. . . .various forms of squats, lunges, deadlifts, clean & presses, snatches, swings, presses and pulls, mountain climbers, sprinting, etc. However... by combining full body exercises into a strategic workout you can maximize your metabolism which is very important if you want to keep the belly fat OFF.

Bear in mind that one of the most important factors in losing belly fat is actually in the nutrition area as well. No matter how much you sweat out your daily belly fat exercises, if your diet is full of junk food then that ugly fat will simply reappear when you slow down on exercising.

Nutrition is without a shadow of a doubt the king of belly fat exercises!

So, instead of focusing on all the situps, ab crunches, leg raises and all those belly exercises, try focusing on high intensity full body lifts using multi joint exercises into highly effective belly fat workouts.

Combine that with a healthy diet full of natural unprocessed whole foods as close to their natural state as possible, and that sexy body and slim belly will be yours in no time.

Learn more secret strategies on losing stubborn belly fat with these belly fat exercises.